The Lion, The Witch, The Audacity of This Bitch

Naomi's Transfemme Manifesto

In a world of binaries and boundaries, we emerge - glorious, glistening, and unapologetically ourselves. We are the lionesses who refused to be tamed, the witches who brew potions of self-love, and the audacious beings who dared to rewrite the rules of gender. This is our manifesto, our spell-book, our battle cry.

I. We Are the Lions

  1. Our manes are diverse: short, long, neon, natural - each strand a testament to our journey.
  2. We prowl through life with grace, strength, and an occasional stumble (because even lionesses trip sometimes, darling).
  3. Our roars echo through boardrooms, classrooms, and everywhere we have been told to stay silent.
  4. We fiercely protect our pride - our chosen family, our allies, our community.
  5. Like lions, we bask in the sun of our authenticity, soaking up the warmth of self-acceptance.

II. We Are the Witches

  1. Our spellbook is filled with incantations of self-affirmation and hexes against transphobia.
  2. We stir cauldrons of change, mixing potions of progress and elixirs of equality.
  3. Our wands (be they makeup brushes, pens, or literal wands) cast spells of transformation.
  4. We commune with the spirits of our trans ancestors, drawing strength from their legacy.
  5. In our coven, every body is sacred, every identity valid, every expression magical.

III. We Have the Audacity

  1. We have the audacity to exist loudly in a world that wishes us to be quiet.
  2. We dare to love our bodies, curves, edges, and all, defying those who say we should not.
  3. We boldly claim our place in women's spaces, sports, and narratives.
  4. We redefine beauty standards with every strut, sashay, and hair flip.
  5. We have the gall to demand respect, rights, and recognition - and honey, we look fabulous doing it.

IV. Our Decrees

  1. We decree that gender is a playground, not a prison. Swing on the monkey bars of masculinity, slide down the curves of femininity, or build sandcastles of androgyny.
  2. We proclaim that our bodies are our own, to modify or maintain as we see fit. Your opinion on our transitions is like our facial hair - unwanted and about to be removed.
  3. We declare our right to safe spaces, medical care, and public restrooms without fear or judgment.
  4. We assert our humanity in the face of legislation that tries to erase us. Our existence is not up for debate.
  5. We affirm our right to joy, love, and celebration. Our lives are not just about struggle - we're here to thrive, baby!

V. Our Commitments

  1. We vow to lift as we climb, ensuring no trans sibling is left behind.
  2. We pledge to celebrate the diversity within our community - every shade, shape, and expression of transness.
  3. We promise to continue educating, even when it's exhausting, because knowledge is the enemy of ignorance.
  4. We commit to loving ourselves fiercely, even on days when the world makes it hard.
  5. We dedicate ourselves to creating art, music, literature, and memes that tell our stories and make our voices heard.

VI. The Transfemme Toolbox

  1. Eyeliner sharp enough to wing and to slay our enemies.
  2. A vocabulary expansive enough to articulate our identities and to eloquently tell transphobes where to go.
  3. Heels high enough to reach new heights (and flats comfortable enough for when the revolution requires running).
  4. A chosen name that feels like home and a dead name composted for future growth.
  5. A support network of fellow lions, witches, and audacious bitches to remind us we're not alone.

VII. Our Vision of the Future

In our ideal world:

  1. Gender reveal parties are replaced by "I'll reveal my gender when I'm good and ready" parties.
  2. The only time we're asked about our genitals is by our doctors or consensual partners.
  3. Trans joy is as commonplace as cis assumptions once were.
  4. Our stories are told by us, not about us, in media, literature, and history books.
  5. The audacity of our existence is celebrated, not merely tolerated.

The Tea is Served

So here we stand, in all our lionhearted, witchy, audacious glory. We've stirred the pot, we've cast our spells, we've roared our truths. The teacup of tradition lays shattered at our feet, and darling, the brew we're serving now is a potent blend of authenticity, resistance, and fierce, uncompromising love.

To those who support us: we see you, we appreciate you, we invite you to roar alongside us. To those who don't understand us: we invite you to listen, to learn, and to expand your world. To those who oppose us: your time is up, your reign is over, the future is gloriously, unapologetically trans.

Remember, we didn't come this far, break this many barriers, and perfect our contouring skills just to be anything less than the majestic, magical, audacious bitches we are.

The lion has spoken. The witch has cast her spell. This bitch is here to stay.

Long live the transfemme revolution! 🦁✨👑💄🏳️‍⚧️